- Get a twitter account for your open house tweets. If you already have one and want your open houses "tweeted" there you should use your existing account.
- Login to your OpenHomez.com account. You'll need to create one if you don't already have one.
- Scroll down to the bottom and fill in your Twitter ID and Twitter Password. You'll also need to change the Twitter Mode to "ON" to enable tweeting from OpenHomez.com.
- Go to your My Listings page on OpenHomez.com. After each listing you'll see a Twitter icon (
). Click on the Twitter icon to tweet that open house to the Twitter ID and Password provided in your OpenHomez.com User Account.
This is a manual process for the time being. You'll need to click the Twitter icon for each listing you want to "tweet". In the future, we hope to add an "Automatic" Twitter Mode so that any new listing added/updated will automatically be "tweeted" to the supplied Twitter account.